Sober & Shameless Artwork

Sober & Shameless

“Sober & Shameless” is a podcast that flips the script on what it means to live a sober life. Co-Hosts, Taylor Klinger and Eric Andrew, graduates from the University of Self-Inflicted Victimization, along with over 80 years of combined experience in “learning the hard way” and “finding the audacity”, invite people from all walks of recovery to learn about shared experiences through genuinely improvised, hilarious, and authentic conversation. In each episode of Sober & Shameless, the hosts, along with occasional guests, will pick a topic to shed their shame about, explore ideas on how to grow through those challenges, and provide organic, light-hearted, honest, and unprofessional commentary about their experiences with addiction, strength through recovery, and life in sobriety.

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Eric Andrew

Head Shot

Taylor Klinger
