Sober & Shameless

Episode 08 - Sober Hobbies Ft. Robyn

March 03, 2023 Taylor Klinger & Eric Andrew Season 1 Episode 8

Show notes from the hosts:
The topic for today is about what to do in Sobriety and how to find new hobbies or pick back up on some old forgotten ones. We join the guys and Robyn on the discussion of continuous counting of days.  Robyn said that the counting added to her early struggles in sobriety.  Robyn is a numbers junkie. who enjoys percentages.
Boys do introductions and introduce Robyn as their guest. How's everybody's week been.  Eric has been doing a lot of inspirational posts promoting coaching business. Taylor has been doing editing.  Robyn actually starts asking questions about Taylor and Cassie's, Klinger Crafted woodworking business. Conversation goes into what kind of hobbies that everyone is doing.
Robyn introduces the Flight, Fight or Freeze in how we deal with problems and added a fourth one from Laura McKowen called Fawning
Eric talks about how he used Fawning as a dysfunctional tool to work with difficult people.
Robyn says "too much grace becomes enabling and too much tough love leads to shame"
Robyn talks about enabling allowed her to drink longer.
Tough love doesn't work because we are already tough on ourselves
Recovery opens our awareness of ourselves
Eric talks about how the awareness piece is so important for him in navigating his own Recovery
Taylor focuses on Robyn's posts and how she can find humor in tough subjects around Recovery
Robyn talks about how dark humor has helped her to get through. Robyn took a writing course that allowed her to look at her past differently
Can share shameful things from a humor perspective. What have I learned from all of this
Taylor talks about how we learn how to speak about our journey's.  Our Dark side in addiction and who we really are comes back together in Sobriety. Taylor tells a story about drinking most of the night and showing up for his job still drunk. We gotta own the bad stories as well as the good stories.
Robyn has much gratitude that her "shitshow" memories didn't end up worse. Own your own stuff.
Eric talks about owning all of it will define your own road and journey.  This is your road to go down, good and bad, it's all about the journey.
Robyn can now look down the road and decide how to pave it.
Taylor, Eric and Robyn start talking about bad Dad jokes or bad jokes in general.
Eric gets into a MeMe conversation with Robyn.
Robyn: We now can laugh at ourselves with goofy MeMe's.
Taylor ends episode by thank

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About The Show:
"Sober & Shameless” is a podcast that flips the script on what it means to live a sober life. Co-Hosts, Taylor Klinger and Eric Andrew, graduates from the University of Self-Inflicted Victimization, along with over 80 years of combined experience in “learning the hard way” and “finding the audacity”, invite people from all walks of recovery to learn about shared experiences through genuinely improvised, hilarious, and authentic conversation. In each episode of Sober & Shameless, the hosts, along with occasional guests, will pick a topic to shed their shame about, explore ideas on how to grow through those challenges, and provide organic, light-hearted, honest, and unprofessional commentary about their experiences with addiction, strength through recovery, and life in sobriety.


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